Lifestyle section/page: Division A
First place: Staff, The Repository
About this entry: “The Ticket” is a beautiful entertainment guide complete with wonderful photography, excellent design and exciting writing.
Follow The Repository on Twitter @CantonRepdotcom
Vibrant and full of energy, Ticket magazine manages to pack a lot of event previews, stories and information into 24 pages. I appreciate how the sections were designed with care throughout the entire book, not just on the cover. And how the various photos, fonts and space manage to not to go overboard. The Ticket seems to be a wonderful entertainment guide for its community, from giving advice on what to eat to what to see.
Second place: Staff, StarNews Media
About this entry: The StarNews Life section is a great blend of reviews, photos and entertainment that are sure to delight readers.
Follow StarNews on Twitter @StarNewsOnline
Robust sections that successfully blend community news with reader utility pieces such as movie and theater reviews make this entry stand out. These sections give the reader a sense of who makes up the community and what is happening there.
Third place: Thomas Bruch and Sally McKee, Journal Star
About this entry: “The Cue” is an entertaining entertainment guide, full of beautiful images and informative articles.
Follow Thomas on Twitter @ThomasBruch, and follow Sally @SallyMcKeePJS
Eye-catching covers are what caught my eye in this entry. The Cue clearly aims to be a full-service entertainment guide and makes the most of its space and stories.