Opinion section/page: Division B
First place: Staff, Ames Tribune
About this entry: The Ames Tribune’s Opinion page offers not only great editorials from staff but also a wonderful platform for community voices.
Read online: Ames Tribune Opinion
Follow Ames Tribune on Twitter @AmesTribNews
These opinion sections are a great mix of strong, well reported editorials, unique local voices, good reads from other papers, pointed cartoons and well informed letters.
Second place: Wally Haas, The Journal-Standard
About this entry: “Opinion Editor Wally Haas is a lifelong Chicago Cubs fan. He grew up within walking distance of Wrigley Field and Ernie Banks, ‘Mr. Cub,’ was one of his favorite players. When Banks died, it was natural for Haas to write a tribute, much based on his personal affection for the Hall-of-Fame baseball player.
Freeport schools have been a mess the last few years with one controversy following another. When the School Board sought a sales-tax increase, the Editorial Board loudly said no. The voting public probably didn’t need much of a nudge, but they resoundingly said no to the increase.
Rebuilding Neighborhoods was perhaps the most ambitious project The Journal –Standard ever pursued. Opinion Editor Wally Haas attended one of the public forums and captured the mood of the Freeport residents who were striving to make their community better.” — Anna Derocher, managing editor
Read online: The Freeport Journal-Standard Opinion
Follow The Journal-Standard on Twitter @journalstandard
These pages represent a good blend of local and national opinions on topics readers will care about, from the death of Ernie Banks to Russia’s machinations in Ukraine. Even the mayor’s column is good.
Third place: Brendan Cox, The Norwich Bulletin
About this entry: The Norwich Bulletin’s expertly organized Opinion section offers readers a mix of brilliant commentary, excellent images and informative facts and figures.
Read online: The Norwich Bulletin Opinion
Follow Brendan on Twitter @bcoxNB
These pages are well organized and provide easy to follow points of view on issues of importance to readers. The section with three things of note from the previous week and three from the week to come is a good idea but could be strengthened if it included a bit of commentary or analysis about each item.