First place: David Pierce, Pocono Record

“The rural Pocono region lost its appeal as a vacation spot as aging resorts became less attractive to visitors, and commuters, discovering the drive was too long, moved back to the city. Reporter David Pierce takes a look at the issues facing the region in “The Pocono Fix-It List,” what needs to be addressed and who can ‘fix-it.’ ”

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A serious topic that must be tackled, but presented in such a thoughtful, interesting way. Very nicely paced section with smart visuals.

Second place: Lisa Coon, The Register-Mail

Such a neat idea, something that can be replicated in many other markets. Proof of how a simple idea can indeed be fodder for a special section.

Third place: Rebecca Rose, The Journal-Standard

Creative way to tackle the topic of local industry. Absolutely interesting, giving an avenue to tell stories that wouldn’t otherwise get coverage. Strong visuals and thoughtful layouts.