Lifestyle Section/Page: Division A
First place: Staff, Sarasota Herald-Tribune
About this entry: “ is the single source people turn to in the Sarasota-Bradenton area to find out the best things to do with their leisure time. From dining out to live music, festivals and events to movies and theater, doesn’t just provide a clearinghouse for local events, we help distill down the often overwhelming possibilities into a manageable, engaging and informative package.”
Read Ticket Sarasota online here.
Follow The Herald-Tribune on Twitter @HeraldTribune
Meaty music features and comprehensive insight into the Sarasota scene all wrapped in impressive packaging, Ticket offers readers an impressive balance of arts and entertainment.
Second place: Staff, The Repository
About this entry: The Repository’s Ticket is packed with things to do, see and experience in Northeast Ohio. The October 2014 edition features new spots of interest in downtown Canton, from yoga to barber shops.
Read Ticket online: Nov. 2014, Oct. 2014 and June 2014
Follow The Repository on Twitter @CantonRepdotcom
Jam-packed with go-and-do nuggets, interesting Q&As and a good balance of art, music and food, Ticket’s regional approach makes it a good read for anyone in Northeast Ohio.
Third place: Staff, Tuscaloosa News
About this entry: Tuscaloosa News’ Tusk features local entertainment, including music, games, movies and more.
Follow Tuscaloosa News on Twitter @tuscaloosanews
A well-rounded page with some outstanding graphics packages.